Company Alerts & Alleged Debtors

IAM Alleged Debtors List
The IAM Alleged Debtor List is a collection of all IAM Members who are allegedly not paying their invoices to other members. The following IAM member companies have not resolved outstanding invoices to other members and IAM’s intervention to resolve these debts have proceeded to the level stipulated by the IAM Executive Committee for publication on the Alleged Debtor List.
Alpha Marine, Inc. (U.S.A)
City/State: North Hollywood, CA
Country: U.S.A
Total Complaints: 1
Date Posted: 12/17/24
Date Updated:
Total Debt Owed in USD: $1,500.00
City/State: Vitrolles
Country: France
Total Complaints: 1
Date Posted: 3/5/2020
Date Updated:
Total Debt Owed in USD: $2,469.57
Euromove & Relocation (Hungary)
City/State: Budapest
Country: Hungary
Total Complaints: 1
Date Posted: 1/14/2025
Date Updated:
Total Debt Owed in USD: $2,702.70
City/State: Singapore
Country: Singapore
Total Complaints: 1
Date Posted: 3/27/2024
Date Updated:
Total Debt Owed in USD: $17,120
View Company Profile at IAM Mobility Exchange
*Please note that this is not the same company as Family Movers (S) Pte. Ltd. Singapore.
Family Movers (S) Pte. Ltd & Family Relocation (S) Pte. Ltd are not related business entities.
Relo-Worldwide Limited / ReloUK (U.K)
City/State: Pevensey
Country: U.K.
Total Complaints: 1
Date Posted: 1/14/2025
Date Updated:
Total Debt Owed in USD: $9,563.97
IAM cautions members against extending credit to companies listed as an Alleged Debtor and suggests that payment and contract terms be adjusted accordingly upon agreement of services.
Bankruptcies & Liquidations
If an IAM member company has declared bankruptcy or are non-operational, unpaid debts must be reported to the IAM Issue Resolution System (IIRS) within 120 days from the insolvency date. If the debt was incurred after this date, you may inform IAM at For potential RPP compensation eligibility, invoices may be no older than 120 days from the report date.

MSI Mobility (USA)
March 2025: IAM was notified that MSI Mobility has now effectively ceased all operations.
MSI Mobility were not members of IAM and we are relaying this information for the sole purpose of maximizing industry awareness.
MSI have advised that all inquiries may be sent to: William J. Amann, Esq. Partner 603-696-5404 AMANN BURNETT PLLC 757 Chestnut Street Manchester, NH 03104 603-696-5404.
Eagle Relocations Limited (U.K.)
January 2025: IAM was notified that Eagle Relocations Limited in Watford, UK is insolvent and no longer operational. Unpaid invoices for potential RPP compensation can be filed here until May 28, 2025. For guidelines on RPP compensation eligibility, please review RPP Operating Rules and Regulations.
Walkboard Express (U.S.A)
January 2025: Walkboard Express communicated to IAM that it is no longer solvent and they are working to resolve outstanding debts with IAM members. RPP Compensation for debts owed by Walkboard Express will be triggered if it declares bankruptcy or ceased to exist.
IAM has cancelled their 2025 IAM membership.
Unpaid invoices for potential RPP compensation should Walkboard Express file for bankruptcy, can be filed here until May 15, 2025. To be potentially eligible, invoices must be for services initiated prior to January 15, 2025 and may not exceed 120 days from the date the delinquent invoice is reported to IAM. For guidelines on RPP compensation eligibility, please review RPP Operating Rules and Regulations.

Verhuisbedrijf Draagkracht BV (The Netherlands)
December 2024: IAM was notified that Verhuisbedrijf Draagkracht BV have filed for bankruptcy and are no longer operational. Unpaid invoices for potential RPP compensation can be filed here until April 1, 2025. For guidelines on RPP compensation eligibility, please review RPP Operating Rules and Regulations.
Logistimania AB td. (Sweden)
October 2024: IAM was notified that Logistimania AB have filed for bankruptcy and are no longer operational. Unpaid invoices for potential RPP compensation can be filed here until January 30, 2025. For guidelines on RPP compensation eligibility, please review RPP Operating Rules and Regulations.
Marble iVentures AG. – Muvzilla (Switzerland)
September 2024: IAM was notified that Marble iVentures AG (Muvzilla) is no longer operational. Unpaid invoices for potential RPP compensation can be filed here until January 23, 2025. To be potentially eligible, invoices must be for services initiated prior to August 27, 2024 and may not exceed 120 days from the date the delinquent invoice is reported to IAM. For guidelines on RPP compensation eligibility, please review RPP Operating Rules and Regulations.
South African Relocations (South Africa)
July 2024: IAM was notified that South African Relocations is no longer operational. Unpaid invoices for potential RPP compensation can be filed here until August 7, 2024. To be potentially eligible, invoices must be for services initiated prior to April 9, 2024 and may not exceed 120 days from the date the delinquent invoice is reported to IAM. For guidelines on RPP compensation eligibility, please review RPP Operating Rules and Regulations.
Schneider Demenagements (Switzerland)
June 2024: IAM was notified that Schneider Demenagements is no longer operational and has filed for bankruptcy. Delinquent invoices issued to Schneider Demenagements are not eligible for potential RPP compensation as they were never members of IAM. IAM has received confirmation that Schneider Demangements’ affiliated company, SGRS Mobility Management Sarl, remain operational. *Note: This is not the same company as Schneider & Cie. AG Internationale Transporte,឴Basel,឴Switzerland*
Appenzeller – Transpack GmbH (Switzerland)
June 2024: IAM was notified that Appenzeller – Transpack GmbH is no longer operational and has filed for bankruptcy. Unpaid invoices for potential RPP compensation can be filed here until August 2, 2024. To be potentially eligible, invoices must have been issued prior to April 4, 2024 and may not exceed 120 days from the date the delinquent invoice is reported to IAM. For guidelines on RPP compensation eligibility, please review RPP Operating Rules and Regulations.
Shipago Worldwide Logistics DMCC (U.A.E.)
April 2024: IAM concluded that Shipago Worldwide Logistics DMCC has ceased operations. RPP compensation claims may be submitted here until August 15, 2024. For guidelines on RPP compensation eligibility, please review RPP Operating Rules and Regulations.
King’s Global Forwarding Ltd. (Canada)
April 2024: IAM was notified that King’s Global Forwarding Ltd. are no longer operational. Unpaid invoices for potential RPP compensation can be filed here until August 2, 2024. For guidelines on RPP compensation eligibility, please review RPP Operating Rules and Regulations.
Gradlyn – G.K. Airfreight Service GmbH (Germany)
March 2024: IAM was notified that Gradlyn – G.K. Airfreight Service GmbH is no longer operational. Unpaid invoices for potential RPP compensation can be filed here until July 11, 2024. For guidelines on RPP compensation eligibility, please review RPP Operating Rules and Regulations.
Five Oceans International Movers Ltd. (U.K.)
March 2024: IAM was notified that Five Oceans International Movers are no longer operational. Unpaid invoices for potential RPP compensation can be filed here until July 11, 2024. For guidelines on RPP compensation eligibility, please review RPP Operating Rules and Regulations.
Ahmadi Packing & Forwarding (Bahrain)
March 2024: IAM was notified that Ahmadi Packing & Forwarding is no longer operational . Unpaid invoices for potential RPP compensation can be filed here until July 2, 2024. For guidelines on RPP compensation eligibility, please review RPP Operating Rules and Regulations.
Herber Hausner Sud-Ost Speditionsgesellschaft GmbH (Austria)
February 2024: IAM was notified that Herber Hausner Sud-Ost Speditionsgesellschaft GmbH filed for bankruptcy. Unpaid invoices for potential RPP compensation can be filed here until June 9, 2024. For guidelines on RPP compensation eligibility, please review RPP Operating Rules and Regulations.
Bongers International Movers (Netherlands)
January 2024: Bongers International Movers filed for bankruptcy. Unpaid invoices for potential RPP compensation can be filed here. For guidelines on RPP compensation eligibility, please review RPP Operating Rules and Regulations.
Further information may be found at here.

Shyft Moving (U.S.A)
December 2023: IAM was notified that Shyft Moving (Crater, SurveyBot) has ceased operations. RPP compensation claims may be submitted here until April 9, 2024. For guidelines on RPP compensation eligibility, please review RPP Operating Rules and Regulations.
Circle Freight International (Bahrain) Wll (Bahrain)
October 2023: IAM was notified that Circle Freight International (Bahrain) Wll (Manama, Bahrain) has ceased operations. RPP compensation claims may be submitted here until February 16, 2024. For guidelines on RPP compensation eligibility, please review RPP Operating Rules and Regulations.
Platinum Moving Services, Inc. (U.S.A.)
January 2023: IAM was notified that Platinum Moving Services, Inc. has filed for bankruptcy. RPP compensation claims may be submitted here until May 20, 2023. For guidelines on RPP compensation eligibility, please review RPP Operating Rules and Regulations.
My Moving Mobility (Malaysia)
January 2023: IAM was notified that My Moving Mobility (Selangor, Malaysia) has ceased operations. RPP compensation claims may be submitted here until May 3, 2023. For guidelines on RPP compensation eligibility, please review RPP Operating Rules and Regulations.
Contact with questions.
If a company has been expelled from IAM, unpaid debts must be reported to the IIRS within 120 days from the expulsion date. If the debt was incurred after this date, you may inform IAM at
Please note that RPP compensation would only be considered if the expelled company declared bankruptcy or became non-operational & reported invoices are no older than 120 days from the report and expulsion date. All debts owed to other IAM members must be cleared and appropriate corrective actions taken before IAM would consider a membership reinstatement.
ISS Relocations (U.A.E & Branches)
On February 6, 2025, ISS Relocations and its related branches were formally expelled from IAM membership because it owed $10,000 USD or more to other IAM members. Unpaid invoices for potential RPP compensation can be filed here until June 7, 2025. To be potentially eligible, invoices must be for services initiated prior to December 26, 2024, and may not exceed 120 days from the date the delinquent invoice is reported to IAM.
ISS Relocations may re-apply for membership if they resolve all known debts owed to other IAM Members and re-submit to the IAM new membership process.
Sancalsa International Services (Mexico)
On August 17, 2022, the International Association of Movers (IAM) Executive Committee suspended Sancalsa International Services in Mexico City, Mexico until November 19, 2022. During the suspension, Sancalsa was prohibited from participating in IAM activities, programs, and any other privileges of membership. Sancalsa was suspended from IAM Membership because they owed more than $10,000 USD to other IAM Members, which is set forth as a clear condition of creditworthiness in the IAM By-Laws. As of November 19, 2022, Sancalsa had not resolved all outstanding debts owed to other IAM members and therefore they have been formally expelled from IAM. Sancalsa may re-apply for membership if they resolve all known debts owed to other IAM Members and submit to the IAM new membership process again.
SGRS Mobility Management Sarl (Switzerland)
On August 21, 2024, SGRS Mobility Management Sarl was formally expelled from IAM membership because it owed $10,000 USD or more to other IAM members. Unpaid invoices for potential RPP compensation can be filed here until December 19, 2024. To be potentially eligible, invoices must be for services initiated prior to April 15, 2024, and may not exceed 120 days from the date the delinquent invoice is reported to IAM.
SGRS Mobility Management Sarl may re-apply for membership if they resolve all known debts owed to other IAM Members and re-submit to the IAM new membership process.
View Company Profile at IAM Mobility Exchange
Members who are Non-Responsive to IAM
There are currently no companies on this list.
Loss of IAMTrusted Moving Company (ITMC) Designation
ITMC companies who have lost their ITMC designation remain members of IAM and may have the opportunity to redeem their ITMC designation if appropriate corrective actions are taken.
There are currently no companies on this list.
Repeat Violators
A Repeat Violator is any IAM member company that has been reported five or more times to the IAM Issue Resolution System by at least five distinct IAM member companies within a rolling three-month period.
There are currently no companies on this list.
IAM cautions members against extending credit to companies listed as a Repeat Violator and suggests that payment and contract terms be adjusted accordingly upon agreement of services.
IAM Membership Cancellations
Non-Payment of Dues Cancellations: These companies’ IAM memberships have been cancelled due to non-payment of dues.
Voluntary Cancellations: These companies have opted to cancel their IAM membership.
RPP compensation requests may be submitted here up to 120 days from the cancellation date of an IAM member. For guidelines on RPP compensation eligibility, please review RPP Operating Rules and Regulations.

Company Name | City/State | Country | Cancellation Date | Website |
Abra Trading and Contracting | Al Wakrah | Qatar | 4/4/2024 | |
Ace International | Jakarta | Indonesia | 4/4/2024 | |
Airtrans Cargo LLC | Dubai | U.A.E. | 4/4/2024 | |
Al Hamdani Golden Trade LLC | Muscat | Oman | 4/4/2024 | |
Al Usood Cargo LLC | Dubai | U.A.E. | 4/4/2024 | |
Alexanders Removals & Storage Ltd. | London | U.K. | 4/4/2024 | |
Amstan Logistics | Ohio | U.S.A. | 4/4/2024 | |
Andrews Moving And Storage Company | Ohio | U.S.A. | 4/4/2024 | |
Appenzeller – Transpack GmbH* | Zurich | Switzerland | 4/4/2024 | |
Astra Int’l Moving & Shipping Inc. | British Columbia | Canada | 4/4/2024 | |
Atlas International Movers Est.* | Sharjah | U.A.E. | 4/4/2024 | |
Avana Logistics Services Co. | Jeddah | Saudi Arabia | 4/4/2024 | |
B.R. Shastry & Company Pvt. Ltd. | Bangalore | India | 4/10/2024 | |
Benfi Freight Kenya Ltd. | Nairobi | Kenya | 4/10/2024 | |
BMMI | Manama | Bahrain | 4/10/2024 | |
Boecker Maschinenwerke GmbH | Werne | Germany | 4/4/2024 | |
Britania Freight & Logistics | Doha | Qatar | 4/4/2024 | |
Cardinal Van & Storage | California | U.S.A. | 4/10/2024 | |
Ciceros’ Moving & Storage, LLC | Georgia | U.S.A. | 4/10/2024 | |
Coastal Moving & Storage, Inc. | Georgia | U.S.A. | 4/10/2024 | |
Dynamic L.A. Inc.* | California | U.S.A. | 4/4/2024 | |
Eleven Relocation Servicos de Mobilidade Ltda | Sao Paulo | Brazil | 4/4/2024 | |
Emiros Cargo Limited | Lagos | Nigeria | 4/4/2024 | |
ERDO Relocation | Antwerp | Belgium | 4/10/2024 | |
Excess International Movers Ltd. | London | U.K. | 4/4/2024 | |
Five Oceans International Movers Ltd. | London | U.K. | 3/13/2024 | |
Grow Pack Movers Sdn. Bhd. | Air Itam | Malaysia | 4/4/2024 | |
Guardian Relocation Shipping & Contracting W.L.L | Doha | Qatar | 4/4/2024 | |
Häfeli Logistik und Transporte AG | Mellingen (Zurich) | Switzerland | 4/4/2024 | |
Harsha Relocations | Visakhapatnam | India | 4/4/2024 | |
Il Trasloco SRL | Rome | Italy | 4/4/2024 | |
Inter Movers LLC | New Jersey | U.S.A. | 4/4/2024 | |
International Services | Tunis | Tunisia | 4/4/2024 | |
Intertrafik SRL | Montevideo | Uruguay | 4/4/2024 | |
K.R.C. International Ltd. | Montrose Angus | U.K. | 4/4/2024 | |
Lang Worldwide Moving | Vienna | Austria | 4/4/2024 | |
Magzi Shipping & Logistics Services LLC | Muscat | Oman | 4/4/2024 | |
Make a Move Moving Inc. | New York | U.S.A. | 4/4/2024 | |
Mekodi Logistics PLC | Addis Ababa | Ethiopia | 4/4/2024 | |
Movers Development | New York | U.S.A. | 4/4/2024 | |
Moving Ahead Services LLC | Ohio | U.S.A. | 4/4/2024 | |
Mudanzas Internacionales Siete Mares SA | San Jose | Costa Rica | 4/4/2024 | |
MYCS International Transport & Logistics | Quebec | Canada | 4/10/2024 | |
MYCS International Transport & Logistics | Cairo | Egypt | 4/10/2024 | |
MYCS International Transport & Logistics | Casablanca | Morocco | 4/10/2024 | |
Nippon Express India Private Limited | Gurgaon | India | 4/4/2024 | |
Oncue Enterprises Inc. | California | U.S.A. | 4/4/2024 | |
One Champion Removals | Algiers | Algeria | 4/16/2024 | |
One Champion Removals | Tunis | Tunisia | 4/16/2024 | |
Pacific Logistics Solutions | Dammam | Saudi Arabia | 4/10/2024 | |
Pack N Move LLC | Dubai | U.A.E. | 4/4/2024 | |
Palmer Moving & Storage | Michigan | U.S.A. | 4/4/2024 | |
Payload Cargo LLC | Dubai | U.A.E. | 4/4/2024 | |
Pro Trans GmbH | Bremerhaven | Germany | 4/4/2024 | |
Reloyard International Cargo Packaging LLC | Dubai | U.A.E. | 4/4/2024 | |
Safe Box International Cargo Packaging & Movers | Dubai | U.A.E. | 4/4/2024 | |
Sakai Transeuro Ltd. | London | U.K. | 4/4/2024 | |
Shanghai DongHao LanSheng International Logistics Co., Ltd. | Shanghai | China | 4/4/2024 | |
Shravie Logistics Private Limited | Ahmedabad | India | 9/30/2024 | |
Shipago Worldwide Logistics DMCC* | Dubai | U.A.E. | 4/4/2024 | |
South African Relocations | Centurion | South Africa | 4/9/2024 | |
South African Relocations | Durban | South Africa | 4/9/2024 | |
South African Relocations | Cape Town | South Africa | 4/9/2024 | |
South Bay Moving Systems | California | U.S.A. | 4/10/2024 | |
Team Logistics and Trade LLC | Muscat | Oman | 4/10/2024 | |
Transit Ougoul | Djibouti | Djibouti | 5/3/2024 | |
Transphere Incorporated | Michigan | U.S.A. | 4/16/2024 | |
UniRelo | California | U.S.A. | 4/4/2024 | |
Victory Van International | Virginia | U.S.A. | 4/4/2024 | |
Welgrow Line India Pvt. Ltd. | Mumbai | India | 4/4/2024 | |
WSH Logistics Limited | Port Harcourt | Nigeria | 4/4/2024 |
*Failure to pay fellow IAM members for Services Rendered.

Company Name | City/State | Country | Cancellation Date | Website |
A Alianza Moving Ltd. | Rio de Janeiro | Brazil | 1/7/2025 | |
A.T. Service sro | Bratislava | Slovakia | 11/5/2024 | |
AAA Logistics Ltd. | Saint-Petersburg | Russia | 2/6/2025 | |
Aero Mayflower Transit Co., LLC | Missouri | U.S.A. | 1/31/2025 | |
Africa Move Demenagement | Casablanca | Morocco | 2/6/2025 | |
Alghanim Group of Shipping and Transport WLL | Kuwait City | Kuwait | 12/5/2024 | |
All Brokerage Solutions LDA | Luanda | Angola | 1/17/2025 | |
Apex Global Logistics and Freight Services LLC | Dubai | U.A.E. | 2/25/2025 | |
AQUA Global Logistics LLC | Muscat | Oman | 2/25/2025 | |
AQUA Global Logistics WLL | Doha | Qatar | 2/25/2025 | |
Asian Express International Movers Ltd. | Hong Kong | Hong Kong | 1/17/2025 | |
Atlantic & Pacific International Global Logistics Canada Inc | Mississauga | Canada | 2/6/2025 | |
Audit & Information Services, Inc. | Illinois | U.S.A. | 1/22/2025 | |
Bloom International Relocations Inc. | California | U.S.A. | 12/5/2024 | |
Brisk International Cargo Inc. | Toronto | Canada | 12/17/2024 | |
Classic Forwarding Inc. | California | U.S.A. | 1/30/2025 | |
Classic Moving Sdn Bhd | Kuala Lumpur | Malaysia | 1/17/2025 | |
CML Cargo Ltd. | London | U.K. | 1/10/2025 | |
Continental Movers & Storage Sdn. Bhd. | Kuala Lumpur | Malaysia | 1/23/2025 | |
Crystal Forwarding Inc. | California | U.S.A. | 11/22/2024 | |
Expat Relocation Solutions | Illinois | U.S.A. | 1/17/2025 | |
Flyttkonsulten | Gothenburg | Sweden | 1/7/2025 | |
Frontline Logistics | Doha | Qatar | 2/21/2025 | |
Globalink Logistics | Kiev | Ukraine | 11/26/2024 | |
Globalink Logistics DWC LLC | Moscow | Russia | 11/26/2024 | |
Gosselin Mobility Kazakhstan | Almaty | Kazakhstan | 11/26/2024 | |
Gosselin Moscow | Moscow | Russia | 11/26/2024 | |
Gosselin Uzbekistan | Tashkent | Uzbekistan | 11/26/2024 | |
Hakotrans Mudanzas Internacionales SL | Mijas Costa | Spain | 1/31/2025 | |
Hakull AS | Sandnes | Norway | 12/18/2024 | |
Hussam Sultan For General Trad. & Cont. Co. WLL | Kuwait | Kuwait | 1/17/2025 | |
Keller Swiss Group | Bern | Switzerland | 11/22/2024 | |
Move One Relocations | Bangui | Central African Republic | 12/11/2024 | |
MoveArtis | Budapest | Hungary | 1/17/2025 | |
Pelichet NLC SA | Geneva | Switzerland | 11/22/2024 | |
Perfect Group (Nationwide) Ltd. | Southwater | U.K. | 12/18/2024 | |
Pet Air GmbH | Kelsterbach | Germany | 2/18/2025 | |
Port Link International Services Pvt. Ltd. | Karachi | Pakistan | 11/5/2024 | |
Rightstar Relocations LLP | New Delhi | India | 1/22/2025 | |
Sanelo Ltd | London | U.K. | 12/9/2024 | |
Santa Fe Relocation | Guangzhou | China | 12/6/2024 | |
Santa Fe Relocation Services | New Delhi | India | 12/6/2024 | |
Santa Fe Relocation Services | Barcelona | Spain | 12/6/2024 | |
Santa Fe Relocation Services – Beijing | Beijing | China | 12/6/2024 | |
Sea Air Moving Inc. | Woodville | Canada | 1/17/2025 | |
Sparber Lineas Maritimas, SA | Madrid | Spain | 1/30/2025 | |
Tonks Removal Services Ltd. | Bridlington | U.K. | 2/6/2025 | |
OneRelo WorldwideTransworld Moving Fortaleza | Fortaleza | Brazil | 1/10/2025 | |
UniGroup Worldwide Moving | Singapore | Singapore | 11/26/2024 | |
Walkboard Express | Texas | U.S.A. | 1/10/2025 | |
Whybirds International | Raceview | Australia | 1/17/2025 | |
Worldwide Movers Sudan | Khartoum | Sudan | 2/6/2025 | |
Writers Corporate Group Logistics Inc | Vancouver | Canada | 1/17/2025 |
Companies Misusing the IAM/HHGFAA Logo or Name
The following companies are illegally advertising the IAM/HHGFAA name or logo on their website and/or correspondence. We have submitted a cease and desist to these companies, and, despite several requests, they are still illegally advertising affiliation with the Association. We discourage IAM members from conducting business with the companies participating in this unlawful and unethical practice. If a company complies with our request, we will remove them from this list.
If you believe a company is illegally advertising the IAM/HHGFAA name or trademark on their website and/or correspondence please submit this information via the IIRS.
Company Name | City/State | Country | Website |
The AB Packers & Movers PVT. LTD | New Delhi | India | |
Ace International Movers | Dubai | U.A.E. | |
Adem Déménagement | Marseille | France | |
Algeria Moving & Shipping | Algiers | Algeria | N/A |
Anthem Claim Management | Anthem, AZ | U.S.A. | |
Asia Sea Land (ASL) Pack – International Movers & Freight Forwarders | Tehran | Iran | |
Astro Worldwide Movers | Singapore | Singapore | |
ATA Cargo & Logistics L.L.C. | Dubai | U.A.E. | |
Avana Logistics Services Co. | Jeddah | Saudi Arabia | |
Biard International Removals | Paris | France | |
Bishop Removals | London | U.K. | |
Brama Indonesia Logistik, PT | Tangerang Selatan | Indonesia | |
Broadway Relocation Services Pvt. Ltd. | New Delhi | India | |
Bongers International Movers | Wageningan | Netherlands | |
Container Shipping | Daytona Beach, FL | U.S.A | |
Corporate Relocations (Nassau Corporate Relocations Limited) | Dublin | Ireland | |
DN Move | Beijing | China | |
Dynamic Movers/Dynamic Star Packing & Storage L.L.C./Family Stores Cargo LLC | Dubai | U.A.E. | N/A |
E2E Global Lines (Q) Packers & Movers Wll | Doha | Qatar | |
Erdo Relocation | Antwerp | Belgium | |
eShipper Pvt. Ltd. | Mumbai | India | |
Fast Delivery Cargo Services | Doha | Qatar | |
Florence Relocation | New Delhi | India | |
Flytning24 | Copenhagen | Denmark | |
Goodwill Cargo | Doha | Qatar | |
Greencloudshipping | Dubai | U.A.E. | |
Harsha Relocations | Visakhapatnam | India | |
JNT Cargo & Packing Services | Dubai | U.A.E. | |
Master Mover | Helsinki | Finland | |
Maxi-Move | Dakar | Senegal | |
MCS Uluslararasi Ev Ve Ofis Tasima Tic. Ltd. Sti | Istanbul | Turkey | |
Moovaz Innovation | Singapore | Singapore | |
MS Partnership SpA | Rome | Italy | |
Multi Model Freight Solutions WLL | Manama | Bahrain | |
Omega Forwarding Group, LLC | Arlington, VA | U.S.A. | |
Pacific Logistics Solutions | Abu Dhabi | U.A.E | |
Pacific Logistics Solutions | Dammam | Saudi Arabia | |
Paradise Packaging Clearing LLC | Dubai | U.A.E | |
Platinum Moving Services, Inc. | Gaithersburg, MD | U.S.A. | |
ProMove Moving & Storage | Beograd | Serbia | |
Sancho Ortega Int., SA | Madrid | Spain | |
Shanghai Fred Mover Moving and Storage Co., Ltd. | Shanghai | China | |
Shanghai Trust Mover International Freight Forwarder Co. Ltd/Trustmover International Relocation | Shanghai | China | |
Shenzen Gltrans International Freight CO., LTD. | Shenzhen | China | |
South African Relocations | Cape Town, Durban, Centurion | South Africa | |
Tammaro Transports SA | Tolochenaz | Switzerland | |
Trans’ Dem Burkina | Ouagadougou | Burkina Faso | |
Trustmover International Relocation | Shanghai | China | |
Verhuis Offertes | Utrecth | Netherlands | |
Worldwide Movers | Karachi | Pakistan | |
Writer Worldwide Relocations | Mumbai | India |
Prospective IAM Members (March 2025)
The International Association of Movers (IAM) posts a list of prospective members seeking membership in the association each month. The applying companies have fulfilled the necessary documentation criteria to join IAM. The final step in confirming their membership involves a posting to the Prospect Member List for 30 days as required by the IAM By-Laws, Article IV Section 1. If you have any concerns or objections about prospective members, please contact us at

HD-Max (France)
Trade Name: D-Max
Clichy, France
POC: Sarah Albugues, Maria Strom Tejsen, Fabien Puertolas, Michael Coccina
Sponsors: White & Co. Plc., UK
De la Fuente International Movers, Spain

Mustang Relocations Services Pvt. Ltd. (India)
Bangalore, India
POC: Ayesha B, Syeda Parveen
Sponsors: Muscat International Shipping & Logistics LLC, Oman
Team Mobility Shipping LLC, UAE
One World Logix (India)
Mumbai, India
POC: Abu Tahir, Tohseen Chaudhari
Sponsors: Khimji Ramdas Shipping LLC, Oman Accurate Services WLL, Bahrain
Oz Moving & Storage (U.S.A.)
Trade Name: Movage International
Englewood, United States
POC: Bajo Vujovic
Branch location of Movage International, NY
Transvai Transportes Unipessoal LDA (Portugal)
Trade Names:, Trust Move
Lisboa, Portugal
POC: Revejean Bernardino
Sponsors: BR Mobility, Brazil
Global Exclusive Movers’ Networks LLC, USA
Wizard Moving and Storage (U.S.A.)
Trade Name: Movage International
Los Angeles, CA, United States
POC: Deuard Kiseloyov, Bajo Vujovic
Branch location of Movage International, NY

Flyttpoolen Stockholm AB (Sweden)
Arsta, Sweden
POC: Stefan Exerman, Nelly Castaneda
Sponsors: Franzosini Int’l Movers, Italy
Trans Dragon International Co., China
Movd Technologies Inc. (Sweden)
Wilmington, DE, United States
POC: Tabish Raza
Sponsors: Ocean Air International, Pakistan
Arpin International Group, USA
MTAB Live Logistics AB (Sweden)
Sodertalje, Sweden
POC: Ola Lundvall, Joakim Ofverbeck
Sponsors: Able Moving & Storage Inc., USA
PRM International, USA
New IAM Members (March 2025)
Each month IAM posts a list of prospective members who have applied and received conditional approval by the Association. The last step toward full membership is review of list of prospective members by the current IAM membership and subsequent notification to IAM’s membership department of any objections. Below is a list of members that have gone through that process and are now approved for membership in IAM.

A. Chanfreau et Gallieni (France)
Lecelles, France
POC: Camille Luthun, Jean-Michel Cosmar
Sponsors: Groupe Berton International, France
Bailly, France

Aces Relocation Danismanlik (Turkiye)
Istanbul, Turkiye
POC: Ercan Eser, Veysel Dalkilinc
Branch location of Aces Relocation Danismanlik, Ankara
AMJ Campbell Van Lines (Canada)
Paradise, NL, Canada
POC: Joanne Pack, Tony Herritt
Branch location of AMJ Campbell International Toronto, Canada
Kimet Plus (Ukraine)
Kyiv, Ukraine
POC: Oleksandr Pkharenko, Alla Kharchenko, Oleksandr Sova
Sponsors: Logenix International LLC, USA
Arpin International Group, USA
Kraustina (Lithuania)
Vilnius, Lithuania
POC: Marius Cepulis
Sponsors: UAB Viacargus, Lithuania
M&TM Freight, Russia
Logicstics LLC (U.S.A.)
Philadelphia, PA, United States
POC: Neal Elbaum
Sponsors: Solomon and Sons Relocation Services, USA
Aragon Moving Systems, USA
MEBS Global Reach LC Ltd. (Uganda)
MEBS Global Reach Ltd. (South Sudan)
Move Masters LLC (U.S.A.)
Paul Davis Commercial Division, Inc (U.S.A.)
Jacksonville, FL, United States
POC: Taylor Davis
Sponsors: Gridiron Forwarding Co., Inc., USA
Central Van Lines, Inc., USA
Pet Relocator (U.S.A.)
Colorado Springs, CO, United States
POC: Cassandra Luppens
Sponsors: A1 Global Logistics Services Co., Philippines
United Relocations (Thailand) Co. Ltd., Thailand
Pets by Pro GmbH (Germany)
Munich, Germany
POC: Vedran Gazic
Sponsors: ZooMMPet, Brazil
A1 Global Logistics Services Co., Philippines
RSL Resuloglu Uluslararasi Lojistik Nakliye Ve Tas (Turkiye)
Istanbul, Turkiye
POC: Murat Gonul, Askin Uguzkutluk, Secking Uguzkutluk
Sponsors: Global Packers & Movers Pvt. Ltd., Pakistan
Nobel Relocation, USA
STMS Logistics (Senegal)
Trans-Portugal European Ltd. (U.K.)
London, United Kingdom
POC: Luis Correia
Sponsors: Strong Moving International, Portugal
Hedleys Group Ltd., United Kingdom
Transferet Relocation Services (India)
Chennai, India
POC: Raja Rajan P, Biju Varghese
Branch location of Transferet Relocation Services (I) Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore
Wiquel Moving, LDA (Portugal)
Lisbon, Portugal
POC: Denilson Bohrer
Sponsors: Always International, France
T.I.S. SRL, Italy

Luicom Co., Ltd. (South Korea)
Seoul, South Korea
POC: Jin Ki Jeong
Sponsors: Seung International Logistics Co. Ltd., South Korea
WonJin Transportation Co. Ltd., South Korea
Quality Move Management Inc. (Canada)
Brampton, ON, Canada
Sponsors: Focus Moving Services Inc., Canada
Meldrum The Mover Inc., Canada
Tech Angels Ltd. (U.K.)
Luton, United Kingdom
POC: Laura Moxham
Sponsors: Careline Moving & Storage UK Ltd., UK
Bournes International Moves, UK